BODACIOUS Secret No. 1: Protect Ideas πŸ”₯

It may come as a surprise to many, but most ideas, concepts, and formats are not per se protectable as forms of intellectual property, which means these forms are free for the taking unless an entrepreneur takes additional steps. The steps an entrepreneur can take to protect ideas, concepts, and formats involve utilizing confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, and/or protecting the expression of the idea through the copyright, trademark, and patent process.

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World Trade Center Podcast: Bodacious Secret No. 1. Protect Ideas 🎧

Earlier this year I had the great pleasure of being interviewed on the Arkansas World Trade Center GATEWAYS Podcast. We had a blast talking about what makes a business succeed where others fail.  Doing business on the world stage is no different. The same legal secrets apply.

BODACIOUS Secret No. 1: Protect Ideas

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The 9 Legal Secrets Every Entrepreneur Should Know To Have A More Bodacious Business πŸŽ™οΈ

After almost 20 years in intellectual property law, I’ve worked in and for everything from startups to conglomerates. All companies face the same pressures to stand out and create something unique in the minds of the consumer, and that’s where intellectual property comes in.

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