The Business Value Of Intellectual Property (Part 2) 🏦
Knowing When To Seek Intellectual Property Protection
Angela Grayson (Precipice IP, PLLC) and Sean Mory (LenCred, Inc.) continue the discussion about the value of intellectual property to any business. We discuss how pursuing patent, trademark, and copyright protection can prevent others from copying a business's most valuable assets.
Knowing When To Seek Intellectual Property Protection
When and how a business seeks protection can be important- in other words, timing can be everything. For example companies may start businesses as Facebook pages, Kickstarter campaigns, or start out selling on Amazon; but businesses need to be aware that what you don't know can hurt you when it comes to protecting the intellectual property that actually creates the value.
This is Part 2 in a five part series. For a more detailed discussion about protecting the intellectual property of your business, contact Precipice IP for a consultation.